Loss, Love and Lollipops proves flirting with the enemy can be so sweet.
Candy Coated Kisses when a secret crush leads to the sweetest confession and sticky late-night kisses!
15 sweet romances from RWA.
Some lollipops last but a short while and fill your mind with what might have been. Others can last all day long and leave you with candy-coated lips that beg for kisses. You know, the kind that last a lifetime.

Hot Like Chocolate is a second chance romance that proves the sweetest kisses are always worth the wait.
15 sweet romances from RWA.
Peel back the wrapper on this book for fifteen delicious morsels of romance with a little chocolate on the side. From the Earth to the moon, historical tales to current day adventures, these stories are the type of candy your dentist would approve.
Chocolate won the 2021 ARRA Favourite Romance Anthology Award

Love is the Icing is a sweet love story about a kid’s party, a cupcake mishap, and the wonderfully delicious romance that follows.
15 sweet romances from RWA.
Stories of how love can be found over the simplest of ancient Chinese cupcakes or complicated chilli chocolate or even blue iced cupcakes with a message. Cupcakes broken then mended just like hearts no matter whether it is tomorrow, today or years ago.

‘Dream a Little Dream of Me’
by Amy Hutton
There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done: Actors and Fans Celebrate the Legacy of Supernatural.
With heartfelt chapters written by both the series’ actors and its fans, There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done traces Supernatural’s evolution, and the many ways in which the show has inspired and changed the lives of both its viewers and cast.